No current vacancies.
1,980 sqm total gross area including 20 secure parking bays
50 sqm ground floor street front retail/office tenancy
Level 1 and 2 can be leased as separate floors
- 717sqm* net floor area
(*subject to final survey plan)
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The closest restaurants, hotels, places to visit and public transit options
* Club Tavern - 4 mins
* Apex Park - 11 mins
*Caboolture Regional Art Gallery - 11 mins
* Best Western Caboolture - 10 mins
* Caboolture Riverlakes Motel - 12 mins
* Caboolture Hub - 300m
*Lower King Street at Charles St - 550m
* King Street at Arthur Street - 1.1km
* Caboolture Station along Matthew Terrace - 220 meters